Buffalo Roofers

Don’t Wait for a Roofing Catastrophe

Waiting until something catastrophic happens to your roof puts you at a disadvantage. When you have to make quick choices to literally keep a roof over your head, it can lead to the use of mediocre installers, poor selection of materials, or using the wrong methods and technics.

Hiring the wrong roofing contractor can be a costly nightmare. A simple repair job can often transform itself in an ongoing effort to correct one mistake after another. A roof replacement or repair is no job for amateurs, well intentioned friends, or relatives. This is one item you will have to live with a good portion of your lifetime.

Picking the right contractor saves time and money, not to mention the headache of a failed repair job.

Start by being proactive in the vetting process

Do the necessary research into a roofing contractor. This should be done before there is a problem.

Contact the local contractors associations to conduct further research. Look for their experience as well as their ability to carry out the necessary roof repairs or renovations. Check the online yellow pages to establish a profile of the companies that are interested in handling your project.

Conduct a thorough interview

Once a small selection of candidates is made, it is time to ask each roofing contractor in-depth questions to establish credibility and competence.  Check the website of the various contractors to evaluate their background information. Check their references to ensure that the chosen candidate is right for the job. When creating a checklist for researching roofing contractors, include the list below:

* Construction Schedules, Deadlines and Project Milestones

* Customer Complaints/Testimonials and Referrals

* Insured Roofing Contractor?

* Proposals and estimates

* Qualifying Inspection for Local Building Codes

* Quality of Materials and Any Manufacturer's Warranty

* The Choice of Roofing Products for the Job

* The Roofing Company’ Business History (BBB)

* Workmanship Policy and Guarantees

* How long in the business?


This is a sample list of suggested areas to cover. Although this step may seem to be laborious, it is also the most important. Review the answers, if you have more questions relating to the job, jot them down.

Establish a timetable and a workable budget. Stay flexible, and try to avoid micromanaging but pay attention to the daily progress.

When a roof is being replaced, there’s a tendency to investigate the work in progress. Try to avoid too many personal roof inspections. Let the experts do their jobs.

A professional Buffalo Roofer should be happy to explain each step of the replacement or repair.